Weekly Update 10/15
Dear Members and Friends of JASH,
Have you registered to be part of our 2020 Annual Gala Reimagined & Online Silent Auction? This is one of JASH’s BIGGEST annual events and it’s already less than one month away! This year, JASH is going virtual and our Gala will be televised on Saturday, November 14, at 8:00pm HST on KHNL. The event features great guest speakers and incredible entertainment, and it’s the best way you can catch up with everything the JASH community has accomplished over the year.
Members (and non-members!) can support our Annual Gala by purchasing Individual Sponsorships for $95 ($125 for non-members), which includes a signature take-out dinner prepared by Chef Kevin Carvalho at Dean & Deluca (menu forthcoming)!
If you can’t join us on November 14, please consider showing your support by donating to JASH.
It’s thanks to the support from members like yourself that we can achieve our mission of promoting understanding and friendship between the people of Japan and the United States through the special and unique perspective of Hawaii.
Click here to reserve your seat for the 2020 Annual Gala Reimagined and learn more about the program.
Virtual Event JASH Annual Gala Reimagined Saturday, November 14, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm HST Airing on KHNL Online Silent Auction November 12-16, 2020 Link Forthcoming
Upcoming Events
Virtual Program Golf Ball Drop Monday, November 2, 2020 Winners Announced during the Golf Classic Awards Pau Hana Thursday, November 5, 2020 5:00pm HST
Don’t miss out on our Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser, featuring a grand prize trip for two to Timbers Kauai! You do NOT have to be present for the golf tournament or at the awards ceremony for the chance to win one of our five fabulous prizes! Take advantage of our great ball purchase deals: 1 ball/$15, 3 balls/$30, 6 balls/$50, 10 balls/$75, or 15 balls/$100. For details and to purchase balls, click here.
Live Event
JASH 30th Annual Friendship Golf Classic
Monday, November 2, 2020
Tee Time: 11:30am
Event is at capacity; Hole Sponsorships still available. Questions? Contact Justin George at justin@gsehawaii.com or 808-778-2747. For details, click here.
Virtual Program
The Hawaiʻi-Japan Connection Series
Examining the Present:
Economic ties between Hawaiʻi and Japan in the age of COVID-19
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
4:00pm-5:00pm HST
The Japan-America Society of Hawaii is excited to co-sponsor the following webinar with JASH corporate member, the College of Social Sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Under the constantly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining economic ties between Japan and Hawaii is an unprecedented challenge. What are the prospects of economic exchange between the two regions? What new initiatives are in place to foster the bonds? Join us for a panel discussion on pragmatic ways to enhance the Japan-Hawaii relationship. We will have brief presentations by the three speakers, Takaho Iwasaki, Sumner La Croix, and Yasuo Tanabe, followed by discussion and a Q&A session. The webinar will be moderated by Denise Konan, Dean of the College of Social Sciences and a professor of economics at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. For details and to register, click here.
Shared Events
Hosted by the Nisei Veterans Memorial Center
Virtual Program
The Fearless, The Fabulous, & The Feminine
Friday, October 23, 2020
4:00pm HST
The October panel will delve into the topics such as: work-life balance, resilience, and the traits of a female leader. Our guest speakers will participate in answering questions through our moderator and tell their stories on what it means to be an influential figure in their work and community.
As part of the U.S. - Japan Council's "Regional Women in Leadership" series, the Nisei Veterans Memorial Center is partnering with the USJC on a two-part panel titled “The Fearless, The Fabulous, & The Feminine.” Both organizations, fulfilling their purpose to educate and strengthen US - Japan relations, will discuss the topic of “Womenomics” which intends to strengthen female representation and entrepreneurship.
Hosted by Temple University Japan (TUJ)
Virtual Program
Career Development at TUJ
Sunday, October 25, 2020
3:00pm HST
In this Undergraduate Webinar, representatives from Temple University Japan will highlight the services offered by TUJ's Career Development office, give top career development tips for students, and discuss the career outlook in Japan. A TUJ student will also present on his internship experience. A live Q&A will follow. A recording of the session will be available to those who register for this webinar in advance.
2021 Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program Informational Sessions
The Consulate-General of Japan in Honolulu is pleased to announce the upcoming virtual Informational Sessions for the 2021 Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program recruitment. The sessions, via Zoom, will be held on the following the dates and times:
The sessions will only be open to those who pre-register. To register, please submit RSVP to: jethi@hl.mofa.go.jp and provide your first and last name, university (if student), email address and which session you would like to attend.
The Consulate will be accepting registrations until 4:00pm one day prior to each info session.
For more information about the JET Program, please see jetprogramusa.org.