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NexGen Pau Hana - May 26, 2021

L Bottom: Delle Tanioka; Ryan Layman, Michelle Hirose, Steve Sombrero, Reyna Kaneko,

Monchalee Ota, Rich Kiyabu, Jessica Ogasawara, Mika Morigawara

On May 26, 2021, the JASH NexGen Advisory Committee safely gathered together at the Aloha Beer Company in Kakaako to catch up and begin tackling their major, NexGen-produced event: The Second Annual JASH NexGen Natsumatsuri! Our Natsumatsuri “summer festival” launched in 2020 as a social and fundraising event that calls on JASH’s next generation of leaders to plan, organize, and execute an initiative that perpetuates Japanese culture in Hawaii. This year’s Natsumatsuri features a hybrid program, with guests attending both the in-person livestream and virtually via Zoom. Shout out to Natsumatsuri co-chairs Monchalee Ota and Michelle Hirose for leading this year’s Natsumatsuri team!

JASH extends a very warm MAHALO to Mr. Steve Sombrero, JASH Board Chair for graciously hosting this gathering at Aloha Beer Company.

If you are interested in being a part of the JASH NexGen and getting involved in perpetuating Japanese culture, having fun, building your leadership skills, and meeting new people, please contact Lila at for more information.


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