JASH Weekly Update: Save the Date for Our 2022 Natsumatsuri
Dear Members and Friends of JASH, SAVE THE DATE for our 3rd Annual JASH NexGen Natsumatsuri presented by Island Insurance Foundation. On August 17, 2022 at 5:30PM, join us for an evening of festive food, drinks, and entertainment. This year's summer festival is organized by our NexGen Natsumatsuri Co-Chairs, Jenna Nakagawa, Delle Tanioka, and Toby Tamaye. They have some exciting plans they can't wait to share with you, so STAY TUNED for more details! Mahalo to our Title Natsu Sponsor, Island Insurance Foundation. The JASH NexGen Advisory Committee is made up of JASH’s young leaders who continue the mission of promoting understanding and friendship between the people of Japan and the U.S. through the special and unique perspective of Hawaii. If you are interested in becoming involved with NexGen, please contact Lila at lfrisbie@jashawaii.org.
Upcoming Programs
Taste of JASH: Nomu Edition
Tasting Tour
with Hawaiian SHOCHU Company and Manoa Honey & Mead
Saturday, June 11, 2022
TP Transportation EV HiBus
Departing from 1600 Kapiolani Blvd. promptly at 9:15AM.
Returning to Honolulu approx. 3:00PM.
No validation for parking.
Registration is now closed.
COVID-19 precautions will match the State and County guidelines at the time of the event. Currently, masks are optional but highly encouraged.
32nd Annual JASH Friendship Golf Classic
Presented by Pacific Guardian Life
Monday, July 18, 2022
Shotgun Start at 11:30AM
Mid-Pacific Country Club
Now Accepting Teams!
Click the button above to sponsor a team or donate to our tournament.
Mahalo to our sponsors and donors for our 32nd Annual JASH Friendship Golf Classic! If you are interested in supporting this year's Golf Classic, click the "JOIN" button above to visit this year's event webpage. As always, we’re working hard behind the scenes to plan a course full of fun entertainment and delicious treats. To learn more about our Golf Classic, please contact Justin George at justin@gsehawaii.com. Mahalo to our Title Sponsor, Pacific Guardian Life for their longtime continued support of our Golf Classic.
Getting Ready to Welcome Japan Back and Support Hawaii's Economic Recovery
Co-hosted by Chamber of Commerce Hawaii and Japan-America Society of Hawaii
Presented by Hawaiian Airlines
Monday, July 25, 2022
Includes breakfast buffet.
*Select "Register as a non-member," enter code JASH2022, and click "APPLY" to receive this price.
The Chamber of Commerce Hawaii and Japan-America Society of Hawaii invite you to join us for a panel discussion on the return of Japanese travelers to Hawaii.
Tourism and business leaders participate in two panel discussions on the return of Hawaii's largest international visitor market, Japan. Panelists to discuss how airlines, tour companies, hotels and local businesses are preparing for the return of Japanese travelers to Hawaii, strategies to increase their spending in the islands, shopping and marketing trends and more. Learn tips and strategies to support the economic recovery of local businesses. Mahalo to our Event Sponsor, Hawaiian Airlines.
Shared Programs
By Lighthouse
Japanese College & Vocational School Fair
2022 Spring
June 5
Each participating university and vocational school has a designated program for international students and will be providing the latest information for those who are interested in enrolling in 2022-2023. They offer incentives such as entrance exams taken outside of Japan, English-only enrollment, scholarships, Fall Entrance, exchange programs with top universities in the world, Learning Japanese practical skills, and transferring systems from colleges. For details and to register, click here.
By Japan Society
The Okinawa & U.S.-Japan Security Alliance in Critical Times
Wed., June 8 1-2PM (HST) Online
As part of Okinawa in Focus, a special year-long series commemorating the 50-year anniversary of Okinawa's reversion to Japan from the United States, this webinar explores the crucial role Okinawa has played in U.S.-Japan security relations, serving both Japanese and American strategic interests. Due to the islands' geo-strategic location, Okinawa is host to a significant number of U.S. military bases in Japan that maintain peace and security in the region. What is Okinawa’s role in the U.S.-Japan security relationship? Will it remain a strategically important hub? As the war in Ukraine brings a historic spotlight on the importance of strengthening geopolitical alliances and strategic interests across the globe, our U.S.-Japan security experts discuss the current geopolitical situation, Okinawa’s significance today, and its future role in U.S.-Japan relations. For details and to register, click here.
By JTB Business Travel & REDAC
Fri., June 10 10-11AM (HST) Online
無料共催ウェビナー:JTB Business Travel × REDAC 企業の管理者様向けに「大離職時代!今、企業に求められているのは…!?」をテーマに、マーケットのトレンド、今企業が抱えている課題、課題解決に向けた取り組み事例につき講演致します。 当地、米国でご活躍されていらっしゃる皆様、是非ご参加ください。 詳しくはこちら