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JASH Weekly Update 9/30: Taste of JASH Nomu Edition

Dear Members and Friends of JASH, Our Taste of JASH series features local restaurants with ties to Japan in fun pau hana style. This fall, we’re revisiting this beloved program with VIRTUAL Thursday pau hanas in Taste of JASH: Nomu Edition! Featuring three local distillers focused on using local ingredients, we’re certain you’ll enjoy these from-home social hours, which will also feature product pre-orders so you can pick up a bottle to join our virtual tasting sessions. Registration will open soon, but for now SAVE THE DATE for our Taste of JASH: Nomu Edition lineup featuring Kо̄ Hana Distillers, Hawaiian Shochu Company, and Mānoa Honey & Mead!

Kо̄ Hana Distillers

Thurs., Oct. 28, 2021

5:30pm (HST)

Zoom Pau Hana

Farm-to-Bottle Kо̄ Hana Hawaiian Agricole Rum is handcrafted from heirloom Hawaiian sugarcane⁠ (kо̄) brought to the islands by the early Polynesian voyagers. Their popular tasting tours are offered daily in both English and Japanese. Click here for their website.

Hawaiian Shochu Company

Thurs., Nov. 18, 2021

5:30pm (HST)

Zoom Pau Hana

Hawaiian Shochu Company Founder and Owner Ken Hirata and his wife Yumiko produce small-batch Honkaku Shochu in Haleʻiwa using locally-sourced sweet potatoes (imo) through traditional, old-style techniques.Click herefor their website.

Mānoa Honey & Mead

Thurs., Jan. 13, 2022

5:30pm (HST)

Zoom Pau Hana

Oʻahu's one and only Hawaiian craft mead mixes Hawaiian honey and tropical fruits, creating a drink tailored for the local climate. Since taking over Mānoa Honey in 2014, owners Yuki and Erika Uzuhashi and their team in Wahiawā also produce raw honey and specialty hive products. Click herefor their website.


Upcoming Events

This fall, we are excited to team up with the fantastic team behind the ʻAkahiao Nature Institute’s (ANI) Huʻehuʻe Ranch in Kona to connect JASH members back to nature in a two-part Zoom workshop series: Edible World. Join Julie Rogers, Jeff Fuchs, and Liana Macdonald-Kainoa in an exploration of the nutritional and social importance of FOOD. SAVE YOUR SPOT for both virtual workshops by REGISTERING TODAY! All ages are welcome!!

Edible World: Nature that Connects Us Saturday, October 9, 2021 10-11am (HST) Zoom Meeting

The first workshop Edible World: Nature that Connects Us will introduce you to the people, place, and history of the ʻAkahiao Nature Institute, complete with an exclusive tour of their māla garden. In the second half of the program, expert Jeff Fuchs will lead an INTERACTIVE CONVERSATION on tea and explore how the beverage has connected people across social and geographical boundaries.

Edible World: Nature that Nurtures Us Saturday, November 13, 2021 10-11am (HST) Zoom Meeting

SAVE THE DATE for the second workshop Edible World: Nature that Nurtures Us on November 13. You do NOT need to attend the October program to join us in November; everyone is welcome! More details on this program are coming soon. To learn more about ANI, visit their website by clicking here. Their team is passionate about connecting people of all ages back to the 'āina, and they host a number of programs at Huʻehuʻe Ranch in Kona throughout the year. We look forward to seeing you and your keiki at these interactive family-friendly workshops!


Ongoing Events

JASH Photography Contest General Voting: Sept. 24 - Oct. 7

General Voting is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC from Friday, September 24 through Thursday, October 7. Tell your friends and family to vote for their favorite shots! You may vote once per photo per email address per day during this round. This means the most that you can vote for a specific entry is once per day, but you may vote for as many different photos as you wish once per day! The top TEN entries with the most votes will advance to the final round of voting, which begins on October 8.

Contest Categories Oishii Tabemono Ono Kine Grindz Japan Explorations Prizes First Place per Category: $100 Visa or Mastercard Cash Card Second Place per Category: $50 Visa or Mastercard Cash Card


Shared Programs

By United States-Japan Bridging Foundation

How I Built a Business Career Related to Japan Wed., Oct. 6 2:00pm (HST) Zoom

Business leaders talk about how to build a corporate career and what it's like to work for a Japanese company. This webinar is part of a series on Japan-related careers. Speaking in this panel will be Jessica Kennett Cork, Vice President, Community Engagement and Corporate Communications, YKK CORPORATION OF AMERICA and Trevin Dye, Assistant Director of International Business Development, JETRO. Moderated by Amy DeLouise, Storyteller at DeLouise Enterprises. For details and to register, click here. To learn more about the Japan-Related Careers Webinar Series, click here.


By OIST Foundation x Japan ICU Foundation

Future of Education Webinar Series: Innovating Higher Education in Japan Thurs., Oct. 14 1:00pm (HST) Zoom

Join the Japan ICU Foundation and the OIST Foundation for this new webinar series focused on the Future of Education in Japan. Education touches and transforms the future by shaping the minds of the next generation and building collaborative networks of learners. This three-part series showcases some of the changemakers leading the way within their institutions. The first webinar in the series brings together four leaders of some of Japan's best universities to discuss how they see the future of higher education in Japan and the world. For details and to register, click here.


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