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JASH Weekly Update 9/16: “Edible World” Workshops with the ʻAkahiao Nature Institute

Dear Members and Friends of JASH, In July 2021, our Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention Junior Ambassadors visited the ʻAkahiao Nature Institute’s (ANI) Huʻehuʻe Ranch in Kona. During their stay, they learned the history of the property, explored the lush forests and hills, and harvested fruits and vegetables for their meals in the māla garden. This fall, we are excited to team up with the fantastic team behind ANI to connect JASH members back to nature in a two-part Zoom workshop series: Edible World. Join Julie Rogers, Jeff Fuchs, and Liana Macdonald-Kainoa in an exploration of the nutritional and social importance of FOOD. SAVE YOUR SPOT for both virtual workshops by REGISTERING TODAY! All ages are welcome!!

Edible World: Nature that Connects Us Saturday, October 9, 2021 10-11am (HST) Zoom Meeting

The first workshop Edible World: Nature that Connects Us will introduce you to the people, place, and history of the ʻAkahiao Nature Institute, complete with an exclusive tour of their māla garden. In the second half of the program, expert Jeff Fuchs will lead an INTERACTIVE CONVERSATION on tea and explore how the beverage has connected people across social and geographical boundaries.

Edible World: Nature that Nurtures Us Saturday, November 13, 2021 10-11am (HST) Zoom Meeting

SAVE THE DATE for the second workshop Edible World: Nature that Nurtures Us on November 13. You do NOT need to attend the October program to join us in November; everyone is welcome! More details on this program are coming soon. To learn more about ANI, visit their website by clicking here. Their team is passionate about connecting people of all ages back to the 'āina, and they host a number of programs at Huʻehuʻe Ranch in Kona throughout the year. We look forward to seeing you and your keiki at these interactive family-friendly workshops!


Upcoming Events

JASH Photography Contest Submissions: September 1 - 22, 2021 General Voting: Sept. 24 - Oct. 7 Final Voting: Oct. 8 - Oct. 17

We’re hosting a photo contest to celebrate our 45th anniversary! Since we can’t travel to Japan right now, we want to see YOUR favorite places and most memorable food from your travels. This contest is open to current JASH members only (join or renew here). Contest Categories Oishii Tabemono Ono Kine Grindz Japan Explorations Prizes First Place per Category: $100 Visa or Mastercard Cash Card Second Place per Category: $50 Visa or Mastercard Cash Card


Foodland Give Aloha Fundraiser September 1 - 30, 2021 JASH Donation Code: 77966 During September, make a donation to JASH at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too!

How to donate:

  1. Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save in the month of September

  2. Show your Maika’i Card or enter your account phone number at checkout

  3. Tell the cashier our code 77966 and the amount of your donation (up to $249!)

  4. Review your receipt to confirm the following appears:

    • Organization name “Japan-America Society of Hawaii”

    • Your donation amount

    • Your Maika’i number

Mahalo for supporting JASH!


Shared Programs

By Japan Society

Authentic Japanese Tofu: From Bean to Block Wed., Sept. 22 12:30pm (HST) Zoom

Delicate and delicious, tofu is a versatile food enjoyed in many Japanese dishes, from silky, chilled hiyayakko to deep-fried agedashidofu. At this online workshop, learn how to make fresh, authentic tofu at home with London-based chef and culinary educator Akemi Yokoyama. In the spirit of sustainability embodied by the Japanese concept of mottainai, participants will also use the tofu by-product to make tasty okara mochi. Discover what this plant-based protein has to offer, from bean to block and everything in between! Tickets: $25/$20 Japan Society members, seniors & students For details and to register, click here.


By Japan Society of Northern California

Bunraku and Beyond:

The Evolving Tradition

of Japanese Puppet Theater

Thurs., Sept. 23

1:30pm (HST)


Tune in to watch live from the Awa Jurobe Yashiki Puppet Theater and Museum in the Tokushima Prefecture–home of more traditional puppet troupes and theaters than anywhere else in Japan! The program features speaker Martin Holman, a literary translator, professor, puppeteer, and puppet theater director, and will include an introduction to the history of the traditional Japanese puppet theater, as well as a close up look at the construction and manipulation techniques of the puppets and the wide variety of puppets used. For details and to register, click here.


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