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COVID-19 PCR Testing Services in Waikiki by Hawaii HIS Corporation

Dear Members and Friends of JASH,

Today, we would like to share with you a press release from Hawaii HIS Corporation regarding their COVID-19 PCR testing services for Hawaii visitors at their PCR Testing Center in the Waikiki Shopping Plaza. Their center offers support in both English and Japanese, and test results are available within 12 hours of testing. Please see their press release below to learn more!

*Before booking your appointment, please confirm that this type of COVID-19 test is accepted by your country of destination.

**JASH is not affiliated with this testing center.

From Hawaii HIS Corporation [EN/日本語]: In partnership with Capture Diagnostics, Hawaii HIS Corporation is pleased to offer COVID-19 PCR testing services to all Hawaii visitors through our PCR Testing Center located in the Waikiki Shopping Plaza. The center will support the safe and secure travel needs of all trans-Pacific travelers, with test results available within 12 hours of testing. All booking and testing services will be provided in both English and Japanese, and we’ll prepare the government-required test result forms and certificates necessary for entry into their country of destination such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the UK, Germany and France. In partnership with the National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii’s Consortium, the Waikiki PCR Testing Center also offers PCR testing for inter-island travel within the state of Hawaii from Oahu. Starting from May 11th, if a visitor has been vaccinated outside of the state of Hawaii or unvaccinated, you are required to obtain a negative certificate 72 hours prior to departure from Oahu to the Island of Hawaii, Maui, Lanai, Molokai or Kauai to bypass quarantine. The PCR test required for inter-island travel is different from the PCR test required for international entry. The Waikiki PCR Testing Center is located on the 4th floor of the Waikiki Shopping Plaza, and will offer an FDA-approved saliva collection test for international entry ($195+tax) and a “gold standard” FDA EUA PCR based mid-turbinate test for inter-island travel within the state of Hawaii for COVID-19 ($140+tax). The testing center will operate 7 days a week between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, with last check-in at 4:45 PM. Please call (808) 218-6124 (English) or (808) 218-6123 (Japanese) for more information. Waikiki PCR Testing Center Location: Waikiki Shopping Plaza, Suite 410, 2250 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu Tel: (808) 218-6124 (English) Business Hours: open seven days a week between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Online Registration: Hawaii HIS Corporationは、「キャプチャー・ダイアグノスティックス社」を検査パートナーに迎え、「ワイキキ PCR 検査センター」を開設しました。 アクセスの良いワイキキで、予約から検査、そして日本入国時の日本政府指定フォーマット陰性検査証明(出発72 時間前)発行まで、日本語での対応はもちろん、最長でも 12 時間以内で検査結果が分かるスピーディーなサービスにより、日本をはじめとする州外からの訪問者の安心・安全な渡航を応援いたします。 このたび開設する「ワイキキ PCR 検査センター」は、「ワイキキ ショッピングプラザ」の 4 階に位置し、唾液による検査を提供します。 検査時間は毎日 8:00-17:00(最終受付 16:45)、検査料は日本入国時の陰性検査証明含め、$195(ハワイ州税別)。 カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、韓国へ入国・帰国時の陰性証明書にも対応しております。 また当センターでは、「ナショナル・キドニー・ファウンデーション・オブ・ハワイ・コンソーシアム」を検査パートナーとし、オアフ島から又はオアフ島経由で、ハワイ州内他島へ渡航のためのハワイ州セーフトラベルズPCR検査にも対応しています。 “ゴールドスタンダード” FDA(米食品医薬品局)認可の鼻咽頭ぬぐい液によるPCR検査を提供し、検査料は、$140(ハワイ州税別)となります。 名称: ワイキキPCR検査センター 住所: ワイキキ ショッピングプラザ4階 #410 電話番号:(808)218-6123(日本語) 検査時間: 週7日営業(無休) 8:00~17:00 (最終受付16:45) オンライン検査登録:


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