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A Question of Loyalty: Five Inflection Points on the Road to Dignity Talk-Story with Author Michael

On July 22, 2020, the Japan-America Society of Hawaii (JASH) hosted its second Summer Talk-Story Webinar entitled, “A Question of Loyalty: Five Inflection Points on the Road to Dignity.” This was JASH’s second in a series of four virtual Talk-Story webinars. Mr. Malaghan discussed his new book, A Question of Loyalty, which dramatizes the Nisei struggle to prove their loyalty to a doubtful country wary of their presence. He covered five inflection points, one being “How a 17- year old Japanese-American au pair and a Chinese man shaped Hawaii’s successful resistance to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s order to remove Japanese from Oahu.” To find out what the other four inflection points were, or to view the full webinar, please click HERE.

Mr. Mike Malaghan, life-time JASH member and author, spent a large part of his career in the corporate world on four continents, but knew in his heart that he was a writer. Married to a Tochigi “new Issei” and living in Hawaii, he knew the story of the Nisei Territorial Guard, who were stripped of their uniforms was a story that needed to be told. He is currently working on the final book of his trilogy. Mr. Malaghan’s books are available for purchase on JASH would like to express our sincere appreciation to Mr. Malaghan for hosting this historically significant webinar for JASH and our members.


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