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JASH NexGen Movers & Shakers-Let’s Talk Story Series with Bob Harrison

L-R: Kristian Lipumano, Michelle Hirose, John Rankin, Reyna Kaneko, Bob Harrison, George Takase, Cory Mitsui, Matthew Chang, Jessica Ogasawara, David Hayashida, Mitch Chun, Toby Tamaye

On December 17, 2019, the Japan-America Society of Hawaii (JASH) hosted the last of a three part talk story series with some of our local community leaders and JASH NexGen members. These sessions were designed to be small group discussions regarding leadership, and the path to get there for the NexGen in Hawai`i. Our last program featured JASH Board Director Mr. Bob Harrison, who is Chairman and CEO of First Hawaiian Bank (FHB). Our program was held at the exclusive First Hawaiian Bankers Club in downtown Honolulu.

Mr. Harrison opened the conversation by giving us some information regarding his background. He joined FHB in 1996 as Vice President of the Main Banking Center and thus, he is a 23-year veteran of the company and has 29-years of experience in the financial industry. From there, he climbed the ranks to become Vice President and Chief Risk Officer in 2006; President and Chief Operating Officer in 2009; CEO in 2012, and Chairman in 2014.

Mr. Harrison then turned the tables and asked the group why the average length of employment by the younger generation, in particular Millennials, is so much shorter than generations before them. The group discussed the reasons why the younger generation of workers “jump ship” so often, and how that negatively impacts the continuity of work and long-term planning for companies. Mr. Harrison spoke of his involvement in the Hawai`i CHANGE Initiative and the importance of the NexGen’s involvement in this project. He spoke of how the Baby Boomers are laying the groundwork but may not necessarily be around to implement it, so it’s up to NexGeners to lead CHANGE for the world in which they will live and their children will live.

JASH NexGen member Toby Tamaye commented, “What a great opportunity it was to have a one-on-one conversation with Hawaii’s largest bank CEO!” Thank you to Bob Harrison for his time and for sharing his story and his insight with the JASH NexGen members. Also, thank you to Island Insurance Foundation for their Sponsorship of the JASH NexGen Movers and Shakers Talk Story Series.

Thank you to our sponsor!

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