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Japan US Military Program

In partnership with the National Association of Japan-America Societies (NAJAS) and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, JASH hosted the third annual Japan US Military Program (JUMP) at the Official Residence of the Consul General of Japan on Tuesday, June 4, 2019. JUMP brings together the local community of Americans who have served in Japan, and we were fortunate to have join us 100 newly commissioned officers of the Japan Training Squadron, who sailed into Honolulu on the JS Kashima and JS Inazuma.

JUMP connects past and present service members, families, and government civilians who have served in Japan. The program provides a powerful foundation for sustaining the solid alliance and relationship that exists between the U.S. and Japan. The Japan Training Squadron Band and the Pacific Fleet Band joined together to entertain the crowd with a mix of Japanese and American songs. A truly great example of the collaborative spirit and friendship between our nations.

(L-R) Ms. Yuri Higashi, Consul for Defense Affairs and Ms. Reyna Kaneko, President of the Japan-America Society of Hawaii (JASH) make opening remarks.

(L-R) Consul General Koichi Ito, Consul General of Japan in Honolulu; Rear Admiral Daisuke Kajimoto, Commander, Japan Training Squadron; (Bottom L-R) Rear Admiral Matthew Carter, Deputy Commander, Pacific Fleet and Mr. Peter Kelley, President, National Association of Japan-America Societies, Inc. (NAJAS) speak about the importance of people to people relationships between the U.S. and Japan

Special thanks to Consul General Koichi Ito and Mrs. Ito for graciously hosting the event at their residence; Peter Kelley, President of NAJAS; and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation for making this event possible.

In addition, a big Mahalo to Anheuser Busch of Hawaii, the Cherry Company and the Consulate staff. Photos courtesy of Raymond Tabata

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